AMAYA includes the Font Awesome as well as the Pe 7 Icon 7 Stroke icon font.
Font Awesome
- Choose your icon from here: Font Awesome 5
- Click the icon that you wish to use
- Copy the HTML code

- You can now add the code to wherever you wish to display the icon, for example in the Custom HTML block
How to increase the icon font size and change the color:
Example increase icon size x 5, and use light grey color: <i class="far fa-heart fa-5x" style="color: #aaa;"></i>
Pe Icon 7 Stroke
- Choose your icon from here: Pe Icon 7 Stroke
- Use the code as follows (replace “anchor” with whatever icon you would like to use):
<i class="pe-7s-anchor"></i>
- You can now add the code to wherever you wish to display the icon, for example in the Custom HTML block
How to increase the icon font size and change the color:
Example increase icon size x 5, and use light grey color: <i class="pe-7s-anchor pe-5x" style="color: #aaa;"></i>